
HTTP Server Deployment Options

ZTPServer is a Python WSGI compliant application that can be deployed behind any WSGI web server or run as a standalone application.

After initial startup, any change to ztpserver.conf will require a server restart. However, all other files are read on-demand, therefore no server restart is required to pick up changes in definitions, neighbordb, resources, etc.


The ztps standalone server executable is for demo and testing use ONLY. It is NOT recommended for production use!

Apache (mod_wsgi)

If using Apache, this section provides instructions for setting up ZTPServer using mod_wsgi. This section assumes the reader is familiar with Apache and has already installed mod_wsgi. For details on how to install mod_wsgi, please see the modwsgi Quick Installation Guide.

To enable ZTPServer for an Apache server, we need to add the following WSGI configuration to the Apache config. A good location might be to create /etc/httpd/conf.d/ztpserver.conf or /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/ztpserver.conf:

LoadModule wsgi_module modules/
Listen 8080

<VirtualHost *:8080>

    WSGIDaemonProcess ztpserver user=www-data group=www-data threads=50
    WSGIScriptAlias / /etc/ztpserver/ztpserver.wsgi
    # Required for RHEL
    #WSGISocketPrefix /var/run/wsgi

    <Location />
        WSGIProcessGroup ztpserver
        WSGIApplicationGroup %{GLOBAL}

        # For Apache <= 2.2, use Order and Allow
        Order deny,allow
        Allow from all
        # For Apache >= 2.4, Allow is replaced by Require
        Require all granted

    # Override default logging locations for Apache
    #ErrorLog /path/to/ztpserver_error.log
    #CustomLog /path/to/ztpserver_access.log

WSGIScriptAlias should point to the ztpserver.wsgi file which is installed by default under /etc/ztpserver/ztpserver.wsgi. You will notice that the <Location /> directive is set to the root directory. This will enable ZTPServer to listen at the base server URL:


If you would like to run the ZTPServer under a subdirectory, leave the Apache configuration as it is listed above and modify the ZTPServer configuration to include the URL path prefix (/ztpserver in this example).

For example, edit the default configuration file found at /etc/ztpserver/ztpserver.conf by modifying or adding the following line under the [default] section:

server_url = http://<host_ip>:8080/ztpserver/

where /ztpserver/ is the subdirectory you would like the wsgi to listen. Once completed, restart Apache and you should now be able to access your ZTPServer at the specified URL. To test, simply use curl - for example:

curl http://<host_ip>:8080/ztpserver/bootstrap

If everything is configured properly, curl should be able to retrieve the bootstrap script. If there is a problem, all of the ZTPServer log messages should be available under the Apache server error logs. See the ErrorLog directive in your Apache configuration to determine the location of the error log.


File Permissions - Apache mod_wsgi will run ztpserver.wsgi as the specified system user in your Apache config. This use must be able to read/write to the files in /usr/share/ztpserver (or whereever you created your data_root.)


SELinux - Apache will need to read and write to files in /usr/share/ztpserver. Therefore, you might need to update/assign an SELinux user/role/type to these files. You can do something like chcon -R -h system_u:object_r:httpd_sys_script_rw_t /usr/share/ztpserver to accomplish that.

Standalone debug server


ZTPServer ships with a single-threaded server that is sufficient for testing or demonstration, only. It is not recommended for use with more than 10 nodes.

To start the standalone ZTPServer, exec the ztps binary:

[root@ztpserver ztpserver]# ztps
INFO: [app:115] Logging started for ztpserver
INFO: [app:116] Using repository /usr/share/ztpserver
Starting server on http://<ip_address>:<port>

The following options may be specified when starting the ztps binary:

-h, --help            show this help message and exit
--version, -v         Displays the version information
--conf CONF, -c CONF  Specifies the configuration file to use
--validate FILENAME   Runs a validation check on neighbordb
--debug               Enables debug output to the STDOUT

When ZTPServer starts, it reads the path information to neighbordb and other files from the global configuration file. Assuming that the DHCP server is serving DHCP offers which include the path to the ZTPServer bootstrap script in Option 67 and that the EOS nodes can access the bootstrap file over the network, the provisioning process should now be able to automatically start for all the nodes with no startup configuration.