Client - Server API

URL Endpoints

GET /bootstrap
GET /bootstrap/config
POST /nodes
GET /nodes/{id}
PUT /nodes/{id}/startup-config
GET /nodes/{id}/startup-config
GET /actions/{name}
GET /files/{filepath}
GET /meta/{actions|files|nodes}/{PATH_INFO}

GET bootstrap script

GET /bootstrap

Returns the default bootstrap script


GET /bootstrap HTTP/1.1


Content-Type: text/x-python
<contents of bootstrap client script>
Response Headers:
Status Codes:


For every request, the bootstrap controller on the ZTPServer will attempt to perform the following string replacement in the bootstrap script): “$SERVER“ —> the value of the “server_url” variable in the server’s global configuration file. This string replacement will point the bootstrap client back to the server in order to enable the client to make additional requests for further resources on the server.

  • if the server_url variable is missing from the server’s global configuration file, ‘http://ztpserver:8080‘ is used by default
  • if the $SERVER string is missing from the bootstrap script, the controller will log a warning message and continue

GET bootstrap logging configuration

GET /bootstrap/config

Returns the logging configuration from the server.


GET /bootstrap/config HTTP/1.1


Content-Type: application/json
    “logging”*: [ {
        “destination”: “file:/<PATH>” | “<HOSTNAME OR IP>:<PORT>”,   //localhost enabled
                                                                    //by default
        “level”*:        <DEBUG | CRITICAL | ...>,
    } ]
        “server”:           <IP or HOSTNAME>,
        “port”:             <PORT>,                 // Optional, default 5222
        “username”*:        <USERNAME>,
        “domain”*:          <DOMAIN>,
        “password”*:        <PASSWORD>,
        “nickname”:         <NICKNAME>,             // Optional, default ‘username’
        “rooms”*:           [ <ROOM>, … ]

Note: * Items are mandatory (even if value is empty list/dict)

Response Headers:
Status Codes:

POST node details

Send node information to the server in order to check whether it can be provisioned.

POST /nodes


Content-Type: application/json
    “model”*:             <MODEL_NAME>,
    “serialnumber”*:      <SERIAL_NUMBER>,
    “systemmac”*:         <SYSTEM_MAC>,
    “version”*:           <INTERNAL_VERSION>,
    “neighbors”*: {
        <INTERFACE_NAME(LOCAL)>: [ {
            'device':             <DEVICE_NAME>,
            'remote_interface':   <INTERFACE_NAME(REMOTE)>
        } ]

Note: * Items are mandatory (even if value is empty list/dict)


Status: 201 Created OR 409 Conflict will both return:

Content-Type: text/html
Location: <url>
Status Codes:

GET node definition

Request definition from the server.

GET /nodes/(ID)


GET /nodes/{ID} HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json


Content-Type: application/json
    “name”*: <DEFINITION_NAME>

    “actions”*: [{ “action”*:         <NAME>*,
                “description”:     <DESCRIPTION>,
                “onstart”:         <MESSAGE>,
                “onsuccess”:       <MESSAGE>,
                “onfailure”:       <MESSAGE>,
                “always_execute”:  [True, False],
                “attributes”: { <KEY>: <VALUE>,
                                <KEY>: { <KEY> : <VALUE>},
                                <KEY>: [ <VALUE>, <VALUE> ]

Note: * Items are mandatory (even if value is empty list/dict)

Response Headers:
Status Codes:

PUT node startup-config

This is used to backup the startup-config from a node to the server.

PUT /nodes/(ID)/startup-config


Content-Type: text/plain
<startup-config contents>
Status Codes:

GET node startup-config

This is used to retrieve the startup-config that was backed-up from a node to the server.

GET /nodes/(ID)/startup-config


Content-Type: text/plain


Status: 201 Created OR 409 Conflict will both return:

Content-Type: text/plain
<startup-config contents>
Response Headers:
Status Codes:

GET actions/(NAME)

GET /actions/(NAME)

Request action from the server.

Request Example

GET /actions/add_config HTTP/1.1


Content-Type: text/x-python
<raw action content>
Response Headers:
Status Codes:

GET resource files


Request action from the server.

Request Examples

GET /files/images/vEOS.swi HTTP/1.1
GET /files/templates/ma1.template HTTP/1.1


<raw resource contents>

:resheader Content-Type:text/plain :statuscode 200: OK :statuscode 404: Not Found

GET meta data for a resource or file

GET /meta/(actions|files|nodes)/(PATH_INFO)

Request meta-data on a file.

Example Requests

GET /meta/actions/add_config HTTP/1.1
GET /meta/files/images/EOS-4.14.5F.swi HTTP/1.1
GET /meta/nodes/001122334455/.node HTTP/1.1


  sha1: "d3852470a7328a4aad54ce030c543fdac0baa475"
  size: 160

:resheader Content-Type:application/json :statuscode 200: OK :statuscode 500: Server Error