



  • EOS 4.12.0 or later (ZTPServer 1.1+)
  • EOS 4.13.3 or later (ZTPServer 1.0)


We recommend using a Linux distribution which has Python 2.7 as its standard Python install (e.g. yum in Centos requires Python 2.6 and a dual Python install can be fairly tricky and buggy). This guide was written based ZTPServer v1.1.0 installed on Fedora 20.

Installation Options

Turn-key VM Creation

The turn-key VM option leverages Packer to auto generate a VM on your local system. automates the creation of the ZTPServer VM. All of the required packages and dependencies are installed and configured. The current Packer configuration allows you to choose between VirtualBox or VMWare as your hypervisor and each can support Fedora 20 or Ubuntu Server 12.04.

VM Specification:

  • 7GB Hard Drive
  • 2GB RAM
  • Hostname
    • eth0 (NAT) DHCP
    • eth1 (hostonly)
  • Firewalld/UFW disabled
  • Users
    • root/eosplus
    • ztpsadmin/eosplus
  • Python 2.7.5 with PIP
  • DHCP installed with Option 67 configured (eth1 only)
  • BIND DNS server installed with zone
    • wildcard forwarding rule passing all other queries to
    • SRV RR for
  • rsyslog-ng installed; Listening on UDP and TCP (port 514)
  • ejabberd (XMPP server) configured for
    • XMPP admin user: ztpsadmin/eosplus
  • httpd installed and configured for ZTPServer (mod_wsgi)
  • ZTPServer installed
  • ztpserver-demo repo files pre-loaded

See the Packer VM code and documentation as well as the ZTPServer demo files for the Packer VM.

PyPI Package (pip install)

ZTPServer may be installed as a PyPI package.

This option assumes you have a server with Python and pip pre-installed. See installing pip.

Once pip is installed, type:

bash-3.2$ pip install ztpserver

The pip install process will install all dependencies and run the install script, leaving you with a ZTPServer instance ready to configure.

Manual installation

Download source:

Once the above system requirements are met, you can use the following git command to pull the develop branch into a local directory on the server where you want to install ZTPServer:

bash-3.2$ git clone

Or, you may download the zip or tar archive and expand it.

bash-3.2$ wget
bash-3.2$ tar xvf <filename>
bash-3.2$ unzip <filename>

Change in to the ztpserver directory, then checkout the release desired:

bash-3.2$ cd ztpserver
bash-3.2$ git checkout v1.1.0

Execute to build and then install ZTPServer:

[user@localhost ztpserver]$ sudo python build
running build
running build_py

[root@localhost ztpserver]# sudo python install
running install
running build
running build_py
running install_lib

Additional services


If using the Turn-key VM Creation, all of the steps, below, will have been completed, please reference the VM documentation.

Allow ZTPServer Connections In Through The Firewall

Be sure your host firewall allows incoming connections to ZTPServer. The standalone server runs on port TCP/8080 by default.

Firewalld examples:

  • Open TCP/<port> through firewalld bash-3.2$ firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-port=<port>/tcp [--permanent]
  • Stop firewalld bash-3.2$ systemctl status firewalld
  • Disable firewalld bash-3.2$ systemctl disable firewalld


If using the Turn-key VM Creation, all the steps from below will be been completed automatically.

Configure the DHCP Service

Set up your DHCP infrastructure to server the full path to the ZTPServer bootstrap file via option 67. This can be performed on any DHCP server. Below you can see how you can do that for ISC dhcpd.

Get dhcpd:

bash-3.2$ sudo yum install dhcp
bash-3.2$ sudo apt-get install isc-dhcp-server

Add a network (in this case for servicing DHCP requests for ZTPServer:

subnet netmask {
  option routers;
  option domain-name-servers <ipaddr>;
  option domain-name "<org>";
  option bootfile-name "http://<ztp_hostname_or_ip>:<port>/bootstrap";

Enable and start the dhcpd service

RedHat (and derivative Linux implementations)

bash-3.2# sudo /usr/bin/systemctl enable dhcpd.service bash-3.2# sudo /usr/bin/systemctl start dhcpd.service

Ubuntu (and derivative Linux implementations)

bash-3.2# sudo /usr/sbin/service isc-dhcp-server start

Check that /etc/init/isc-dhcp-server.conf is configured for automatic startup on boot.

Edit the global configuration file located at /etc/ztpserver/ztpserver.conf (if needed). See the Global configuration file options for more information.