Tips and tricks

How do I update my local copy of ZTPServer from GitHub?


Go to the ZTPServer directory where you previously cloned the GitHub repository and execute:

./utils/refresh_ztps [-b <branch>] [-f <path>]

  • <branch> can be any branch name in the Git repo. Typically this will be one of:

    • “master” - for the latest release version
    • “vX.Y.Z-rc” - for beta testing the next X.Y.Z release-candidate
    • “develop” (DEFAULT) - for the latest bleeding-edge development branch
  • <path> is the base directory of the ztpserver installation.

    • /usr/share/ztpserver (DEFAULT)


Remove the existing ZTPServer files:

rm -rf /usr/share/ztpserver/actions/*
rm -rf /usr/share/ztpserver/bootstrap/*
rm -rf /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ztpserver*
rm -rf /bin/ztps*
rm -rf /home/ztpuser/ztpserver/ztpserver.egg-info/
rm -rf /home/ztpuser/ztpserver/build/*

Go to the ZTPServer directory where you previously cloned the GitHub repository, update it, then build and install the server:

bash-3.2$ git pull
bash-3.2$ python build
bash-3.2$ python install

My server keeps failing to load my resource files. What’s going on?

Did you know?

a: b is VALID YAML syntax

Check out YAML syntax checker for more.

How do I validate the format of my config files?

To validate config files use ztps --validate:

[ztpsadmin@ztps ~]$ ztps --validate
Validating neighbordb ('/usr/share/ztpserver/neighbordb')... Ok!

Validating definitions...
Validating /usr/share/ztpserver/definitions/torb-withImageUpgrade... Ok!
Validating /usr/share/ztpserver/definitions/torb... Ok!
Validating /usr/share/ztpserver/definitions/tora-withImageUpgrade... Ok!
Validating /usr/share/ztpserver/definitions/tora... Ok!

Validating resources...
Validating /usr/share/ztpserver/resources/tor_hostnames... Ok!
Validating /usr/share/ztpserver/resources/ip_loopback... Ok!
Validating /usr/share/ztpserver/resources/ip_vlan100... Ok!
Validating /usr/share/ztpserver/resources/mgmt_subnet... Ok!

Validating nodes...
Validating /usr/share/ztpserver/nodes/001122334456/pattern... Ok!
Validating /usr/share/ztpserver/nodes/001122334456/definition... Ok!
Validating /usr/share/ztpserver/nodes/001122334455/pattern... Ok!
Validating /usr/share/ztpserver/nodes/001122334455/definition... Ok!
Validating /usr/share/ztpserver/nodes/001122334457/pattern... Ok!
Validating /usr/share/ztpserver/nodes/001122334457/definition... Ok!

How do I debug the ZTP Server provisioning process?

  • If ZTP Server is running via wsgi, Check the Apache log files. Separate log files can be designated for ZTP Server’s wsgi with the following:

    <VirtualHost *:8080>
        CustomLog logs/ztpserver-access_log common
        ErrorLog logs/ztpserver-error_log
  • Run the standalone ZTP Server binary in debug mode and log the output to a file: ztps --debug 2>&1 | tee ztps.log

  • After changing configuration directives in neighbordb, a definition, etc, you may need to remove the node directory of the node-under-test before retrying ZTP on the node. This will ensure that ZTP Server matches the node against neighbordb instead of nodes/<serialnum>/pattern.

  • The bootstrap script may be manually run from a switch instead of going through an entire reload/ZTP cycle. To do this, download the script to the switch, then run it locally:

    switch# bash wget http://ztpserver:8080/bootstrap
    switch# bash chmod +x bootstrap
    switch# bash sudo ./bootstrap
  • On the client side, make sure you use XMPP (best) or remove syslog (second best) logging - you can configure that in bootstrap.conf.

  • When requesting support, please include the output from the server (running in debug mode) and the console/log output from the switch.

How do I disable / enable ZTP mode on a switch

By default, any switch that does not have a startup-config will enter ZTP mode to attempt to retrieve one. This feature was introduced in EOS 3.7 for fixed devices and EOS 4.10 for modular ones. In ZTP mode, the switch sends out DHCP requests on all interfaces and will not forward traffic until it reboots with a config.

To cancel ZTP mode, login as admin and type zerotouch cancel. This will trigger an immediate reload of the switch, after which the switch will be ready to configure manually. At this point, if you ever erase the startup-config and reload, the switch will edn up ZTP mode again.

To completely disable ZTP mode, login as admin and type zerotouch disable. This will trigger an immediate reload of the switch after which the switch will will be ready to configure manually. If you wish to re-enable ZTP, go to configure mode and run zerotouch enable. The next time you erase the startup-config and reload the switch, the switch will end up ZTP mode again.


vEOS instances come with a minimal startup-config so they do not boot in to ZTP mode by default. In order to use vEOS to test ZTP, enter erase startup-config and reload.

How can I test ZTPServer without having to reboot the switch every time?

From a bash shell on the switch:

# retrieve the bootstrap file from server
wget http://<ZTP_SERVER>:<PORT>/bootstrap
# make file executable
sudo chmod 777 bootstrap
# execute file
sudo ./bootstrap

How do I override the default system-mac in vEOS?

Add the desired MAC address to the first line of the file /mnt/flash/system_mac_address, then reboot (Feature added in 3.13.0F)

[admin@localhost ~]$ echo 1122.3344.5566 > /mnt/flash/system_mac_address

How do I override the default serial number or system-mac in vEOS?

As of vEOS 4.14.0, the serial number and system mac address can be configured with a file in /mnt/flash/veos-config. After modifying SERIALNUMBER or SYSTEMMACADDR, a reboot is required for the changes to take effect.
